So we struck out shopping yesterday but we had fun doing it with
the help of our outdated GPS. The exciting part of the day
was driving back to Ak Chin through a Haboob. Once we
arrived at the Valet, the monsoon hit and the Hotel and
property lost power for 45 minutes. Luckily it was late
in the day as the heat climbed up VERY quickly.
This was a fun experience.
Their grill blew up so the snack bar was limited and people
left the place to get fed. Rooms were not accessible until
the power was restored. So, anyone who had food in their
fridges were unable to get at it.
Our evening wrapped up at midnight as we ventured our
gaming day with a mix of slots, an electronic roulette,
and then finishing off with Big Times Poker.
I lost $160 for the day and James lost $100. Not bad
for the whole day and we are participating in the
Great Race to Rewards.
Today is pool day for us. I just completed a horrid
cup of Hotel coffee and a store bought chocolaate
chip cookie. Ooooh ick!