Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Heading Home

Off we go to the airport.  Time to go home.

We do have plans to come back in eight weeks though.  It will give me enough time to get a video put together and pictures posted from this trip.

$750.00 loss between the two of us, but lots
of freebies to offset that.  We did a large amount of coin in.

More later :)

Saturday, July 13, 2013


Today is VP Tournament day for James.  He's done the 9:30am session and about to do the 12:30 one.  He appears to be the youngest participant.  The winning amount is $7500.00.

Last evening we did hit Emerald Status.  We did so remarkably on single line VP with some aces of the quad variety.
Looks like we will be wrapping up the long trip ahead a few dollars or even.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Slapper Magnet

Wherever I go it seems that I am a magnet for the dreaded button slapper.  Nothing irks me more than an angry loud machine button slammer.  It has become more of a joke now.  Oh well..chalk it up with kids in the Casino, circle twirlers, people who cough and sneeze without covering, etc.  (Off the soap box now)

Cloudy here with a threat of storms.  We have plans to get our Emerald status today and chill out.  Vacation is winding down.  Yesterday was a great one as we made a bank deposit.

We have a Gold Card here at Sam's Town with a handicapped room facing the Strip.  Pretty decent actually.  

A bank of progressive video poker machines are calling our name today.

Nice breakfast of fresh coffee, banana (my daily potassium) and a blueberry muffin coupled by The Young and the Restless! Life is grand!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Rain in the desert

Off to the gym then we switch Hotels.

First - a cup of coffee!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Pool & Play

We are settled at Aliante in a great room.

Yesterday I filled up on Airborne to stay hydrated and nutrient rich. Our evening took us to SunCoast for supper and play with multi-play and the play and eat promo.  Someone (James) is thrilled to make it to a million points and doesn't want to deplete them.  So far so good!

Today we are going to hit the pool and put in a days play here in hopes of future offers.  Yesterday, we used the 24/7 gym here with views of the pool area.

Thank you Lyrica...       

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Royal Drought

Tomorrow we head off to the next Hotel.  Right now we
are hitting small jackpots, but are looking forward to
some Royals.

A bit more gaming here and hubby has his sights set on
meatloaf for supper here.  Not sure what I will have?

Big fire on Mount Charleston which is affecting air
quality here in Vegas.  We are spending lots of time
indoors and working hard to stay hydrated.      

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


We took R&W to the Hoover Dam our way back from Laughlin.  I think everyone
should see it at least once.

The drive through Arizona was a bit longer but more scenic.  Lots of pics were snapped.

Laughlin did not have great internet or phone service, however we are now back in Vegas.

James is off to drop R&W at the airport and then pick up our laundry.  Last evening
we arranged for them to see Penn and Teller at the Rio.  She took great pictures.
I never knew Penn was SO tall.

Having coffee and looking forward to another hot day.